On 18th May 2021, our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, is joining Alex Gray, of Thames Water, to provide an introduction to harmonics and electromagnetic compatibility. The first part of the webinar, presented by Alex, will briefly explore some theory on what makes up harmonic components, why they happen, what impact it has on the connected power system and some mitigation techniques that can be used to control them. In the second part of the webinar, Graham will outline the legal requirement for EMC and installations, introduce the concept of conducted and radiated electromagnetic phenomena, and discuss how some wiring practices can affect EMC.
The event will be hosted by Tracy Scott, of RES Group, and Tracy, Alex and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.
Miss this, or not available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!
Further information and registration for this event can be found here
NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.
Title: Introduction to harmonics and EMC
Date: Tuesday 18th May 2021
Time: 3 pm BST
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes