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Ring final circuit test – updated guidance

Issue 89 (March 2022) of the IET’s Wiring Matters magazine contains an article by our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, which examines the readings expected in Step 3 of the ring final circuit continuity test.

Read the article here

The article looks into why a mismatch between resistance per metre of the line and protective conductors leads to the reading not being the same at each test point on the ring for longer circuit lengths, for example when the circuit is wired in 4.0/1.5 mm2 twin-and-earth cable.

Updated guidance on the expected readings is provided in the 9th Edition of IET Guidance Note 3 Inspection & Testing, which Graham has updated.

The 9th Edition of Guidance Note 3 Inspection & Testing is due to be published on 28 March 2022, and is now available for pre-order from the IET Bookshop.