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Category Archives: Energy Storage

Free webinar – Battery storage

On 2nd November 2021, Tracey Scott, of RES Group, and our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, will be speaking in a free IET webinar about battery storage systems.

The subjects will be Overview of utility scale battery storage in the UK and Introduction to domestic battery storage.

The event will be hosted by Russell Jobbins, of Selectrical Ltd, and Russell, Tracey and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.

Did you miss this, or won’t be available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!

Further information and registration for this event can be found here

NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.

Title: Battery Storage
Date: Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Time: 3 pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Island mode earthing arrangements: New Guidance in the Second Edition of the IET Code of Practice on Electrical Energy Storage Systems

Graham Kenyon, our Managing Director, has co-authored an article with Dr Andrew Crossland, Director of Advance Further Energy Ltd, for the latest Issue 84 of the IET’s Wiring Matters industry magazine.

Read the article here

The article looks at earthing arrangements for electrical installations that can operate in island mode (when the mains supply is lost) when they have a battery storage system connected. Importantly, it highlights changes in the earthing requirements introduced in the 2nd Edition of the IET’ Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems, of which Graham is co-author along with fellow industry expert Martin Cotterell.

Draft for Public Comment: IET Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems 2nd edition

The draft of the 2nd Edition of the IET Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems, which our Principal Graham Kenyon co-authors, is now available for public comment on the IET web-site [link removed as consultation closed].

Comments can be submitted until 10 July 2020.

This IET Code of Practice, which brings together approaches from various standards including BS 7671 to provide authoritative and comprehensive guidance on the subject, is referenced by the recently published MCS Battery Storage Standard.

MCS launches new Battery Storage Standard

In January 2020, MCS launched its new standard for battery energy storage, MIS 3012.

The new standard, completed with the assistance of our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, as technical author, outlines the requirements for battery storage systems that MCS certified installers will use to design, supply and install electrical energy (battery) storage systems.

Read more about the launch on the MCS website.

The standard may be downloaded from the MCS Standards and Tools Library.

G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for the contents of other sites linked from this page

Working safely with energy storage and smart control technologies

Imaged linked from IET Wiring Matters web-site

Many electrical installations now incorporate new technologies, including embedded generation and home or building automation systems. As use of these technologies becomes more widespread, we need to be ever mindful that control of power to a circuit no longer relies on simple human switching operations. Electrical energy storage technologies that are capable of operating in island mode, continue to provide power when the grid is isolated.

Some incidents that have occurred recently when implementing energy storage systems outside the UK prompted Dr Andrew Crossland and myself to write an article for IET’s Wiring Matters. The article highlights the risks, and discusses safe isolation.

Click here to read the article in IET’s Wiring Matters.

Further guidance on electrical energy storage systems can be found in the IET Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems.

Note: G Kenyon Technology Ltd cannot be held responsible for the contents of other web-sites linked from this post.

Pre-order NOW: IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation – 3rd Edition

Now available to Pre-order, the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation – 3rd Edition

IET CoP for EV Charging Installations

This new Edition, for which our Managing Director and Principal, Graham Kenyon, is the lead author, has been completely revised and updated in-line with the 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations (BS 7671:2018 Requirements for electrical installations).

Included in this Edition are:

  • completely new sections on Vehicles as energy storage, and Integration with smart metering and control, automation and monitoring systems
  • a new Annex with commentary on wireless power transfer (WPT) installations, which are expected to become increasingly common
  • updated guidance on inclusive design, alternative sources of supply, metering, and installations at filling stations to align with the APEA / EI publication Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations, that was revised in June 2018.

Click Here to pre-order from the IET

G Kenyon Technology Ltd cannot be held responsible for the contents of other sites linked from this page.

FREE Webinar Electrical Energy Storage Systems: how to install, operate and maintain

Graham Kenyon, author of the Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems
Electrical Energy Storage Systems: how to install, operate and maintain
23rd October 2017 | 12:30pm Reasons to attend:

  • Learn how to put a framework in place for the installation, operation and maintenance of storage systems
  • Find out the common risks associated with storage systems and how to overcome them
  • Ask questions directly to the author of the IET Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems
REGISTER FOR FREE  (On demand, even if you missed it!)

NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.

Principal speaking at Solar & Storage Live 4 October 2017

Our Principal, Graham Kenyon, will be speaking on 4 October at Solar and Storage Live, NEC Birmingham, 12:30-14:00.

You will hear about the recently-published IET Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems.

Looking forward to meeting you there.

G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for the content of other web-sites linked from this page.

New IET Electrical Energy Storage Video

The Institution of Engineering and Technology has released this video discussing Electrical Energy Storage Systems for those interested in the recently published Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems, that our Principal is pleased to have co-authored.

The Code of Practice is now available, see here for more details on this ground-breaking publication.

Note: G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for the contents of other web-sites linked from this page.

Now Available from the IET – Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems

The IET’s latest Code of Practice, the Code of Practice Electrical Energy Storage Systems, is now available. Find out more..

Co-authored by Martin Cotterell of Tesla, and our Principal, Graham Kenyon, it is set to be an invaluable resource for those involved in the planning, procurement, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical energy storage systems.