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Category Archives: Electrical Safety
Advancements in Electrical Safety Standards for Solar the PV Industry
Recently, our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, presented on Advancements in Electrical Safety Standards for the Solar PV Industry. This was recorded by IET TV, and is available to view on demand. Watch below.
Draft for public consultation – IET Code of Practice for Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 2nd Edition
The Draft of the 2nd Edition of the IET Code of Practice for Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems, is is now available for public consultation. The Draft for Public Consultation period opens today, 30th May 2022, and runs until 27th June 2022.
Our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, is the Technical Author of this Edition.
To find out more, and download the draft and commenting template, please see the DPC page on the IET web-site.
To submit comments, please use the IET form and e-mail address per the instructions on the DPC page.
Note: G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for the content of other web-sites linked from this page.
Ring final circuit test – updated guidance
Issue 89 (March 2022) of the IET’s Wiring Matters magazine contains an article by our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, which examines the readings expected in Step 3 of the ring final circuit continuity test.
Read the article here
The article looks into why a mismatch between resistance per metre of the line and protective conductors leads to the reading not being the same at each test point on the ring for longer circuit lengths, for example when the circuit is wired in 4.0/1.5 mm2 twin-and-earth cable.
Updated guidance on the expected readings is provided in the 9th Edition of IET Guidance Note 3 Inspection & Testing, which Graham has updated.
The 9th Edition of Guidance Note 3 Inspection & Testing is due to be published on 28 March 2022, and is now available for pre-order from the IET Bookshop.
Graham Chairs discussion panel in National Conference on Competence and Building Safety
Our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, was honoured to Chair a discussion panel at the recent IET National Conference for Electrotechnical & Building Safety Competence, on 31 January 2022.
The conference featured, keynote speaker, Dame Judith Hackitt, who discussed key points relating to accountability and competence including reference to her post-Grenfell report ‘Building a Safer Future’ (Jun 2019) which identified that the current system of building regulations and fire safety were not fit for purpose and that a culture change is needed to support the delivery of safe buildings.
Both parts of the National Conference are available to view on YouTube:
Free webinar – Battery storage
On 2nd November 2021, Tracey Scott, of RES Group, and our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, will be speaking in a free IET webinar about battery storage systems.
The subjects will be Overview of utility scale battery storage in the UK and Introduction to domestic battery storage.
The event will be hosted by Russell Jobbins, of Selectrical Ltd, and Russell, Tracey and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.
Did you miss this, or won’t be available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!
Further information and registration for this event can be found here
NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.
Title: Battery Storage
Date: Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Time: 3 pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Free webinar – Calculating Design Current and Fault Currents: thermal constraints
On 6th July 2021, John Peckham, of Astute Technical Services Limited, and our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, will be speaking in a free IET webinar about electrical design.
The subjects will be Calculating Design Current and Fault currents – Thermal Constraints.
The event will be hosted by Colin Penfold, of the Operations department of Defra, and Colin, John and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.
Did you miss this, or won’t be available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!
Further information and registration for this event can be found here
NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.
Title: Responsibilities for those in an electrical installation design role
Date: Tuesday 6th July 2021
Time: 3 pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Electrician’s Guide to Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems, 3rd Edition, now available to pre-order
The 3rd Edition of the IET’s Electrician’s Guide to Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems, updated and edited by our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, is due on 30 June 2021, and is now available to pre-order.
Key features of the 3rd Edition include essential guidance on special fire risk, system design and integration, installation competency, information, advice and guidance on managing the requirements of BS 7671:2018+A1:2020, BS 5839-1:2017 and BS 5839-6:2019+A1:2020.
Island mode earthing arrangements: New Guidance in the Second Edition of the IET Code of Practice on Electrical Energy Storage Systems
Graham Kenyon, our Managing Director, has co-authored an article with Dr Andrew Crossland, Director of Advance Further Energy Ltd, for the latest Issue 84 of the IET’s Wiring Matters industry magazine.
Read the article here
The article looks at earthing arrangements for electrical installations that can operate in island mode (when the mains supply is lost) when they have a battery storage system connected. Importantly, it highlights changes in the earthing requirements introduced in the 2nd Edition of the IET’ Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems, of which Graham is co-author along with fellow industry expert Martin Cotterell.
Free webinar – Responsibilities for those in an electrical installation design role
On 2nd February 2021, our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, is joining John Peckham, of Astute Technical Services Limited, to provide an insight into the requirements of an electrical design role. The presentation will cover the fundamental principles of BS 7671, and review the duties on some other legislation and standards for electrical installation designers.
The event will be hosted by Colin Penfold, of the Operations department of Defra, and Colin, John and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.
Did you miss this, or won’t be available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!
Further information and registration for this event can be found here
NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.
Title: Responsibilities for those in an electrical installation design role
Date: Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Time: 3 pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Free webinar – RCDs: Selection, Types and Testing
On 1st December 2020, our Managing Director, Graham Kenyon, is presenting on the topic of Selection and types of RCDs, as part of the IET Webinar RCDs: Selection, Types and Testing. John Peckham, of Astute Technical Services Limited, is providing a presentation on RCD Testing. The event will be hosted by Colin Penfold, of the Operations department of Defra, and Colin, John and Graham will be answering live questions raised during the Webinar.
Did you miss this, or won’t be available at the stated time? Don’t worry – simply register now to view after the event!
Further information and registration for this event can be found here
NOTE: In December 2023, the IET announced technical difficulties with some of its on-demand webinars. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused if any of the webinars originally presented between October 2017 and November 2021 are temporarily unavailable. G Kenyon Technology Ltd is not responsible for content linked from this post.
Title: RCDs: Selection, Types and Testing
Date: Tuesday 1st December 2020
Time: 3 pm BST, 7 am USA PST, 10 am USA EST
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes